Station Datasets

VCPWA-Watershed Protection Hydrologic Data Server

Welcome to Ventura County Watershed Protection District Hydrologic Data Webpage. This page provides rain, stream, and evaporation data from the District's official gages in Ventura County, as well as other available data used in District planning studies.

Due to the complexity of the website and datasets, we STRONGLY urge you to read our file explaining how to download data from this website and any associated caveats by clicking on: Hydrodata Web Questions. Please read the file before you contact us with any questions regarding this site or our data sets.

For certified data or non-standard data not available on this website, please send a data request to the Hydrology Section as outlined in Hydrodata Web Questions document.

Official and Preliminary data are available by water year clicking on the station name and by selecting the water year and format selectors for each dataset. Additional Supplimental Reports for specific stations are available for downlaod from each station's drop-down menus.

Station 216C Information

Site Id: 216C
Station Name: Ventura Harbor
Latitude: 34° 15' 9.4" N
Longitude: 119° 15' 55.8" W
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
Elevation: 12 feet
Station Type: Recording Precip Gage
VCWPD Zone: Zone 2 (Santa Clara River)
NCDC Site Id: None
Currently Active: Yes
Associated Station(s):216 - Ventura-Old Olivas Adobe
216A - Ventura Marina-CINP
216B - Ventura Marina-Port District

Available Datasets

Dataset NamePublish TypeStart DateEnd Date
Rainfall: Daily TotalsPublished Data09/30/2008 08:00 - 09/30/2023 08:00
Preliminary Data09/30/2023 08:00 - 06/17/2024 08:00
Rainfall: Hourly TotalsPublished Data08/28/2008 10:00 - 09/30/2023 08:00
Preliminary Data09/30/2023 08:00 - 06/17/2024 12:00
Unverified Telemetry Data09/24/2024 14:00

Base Period Normal Monthly and Seasonal Precipitation**


Notes: **Base Period Normal is the October 1957 to September 1992 average. This average was selected since it is the best 35 year period that represents the long term average for multiple sites in Ventura County.

Interactive Chart for Period of Record

Circle Chart for Period of Record

Summary of Historic Wettest and Driest Years and Effects of El Niño/La Nina

Official and Supplemental Reports Published for This Station

Official Reports - Click Download button to download file
Select Report:

Rainfall: Daily Totals

Publish TypeStart DateEnd Date
Published Data: 09/30/2008 08:00- 09/30/2023 08:00
Preliminary Data: 09/30/2023 08:00- 06/17/2024 08:00
Unverifed Telemetry Data:N/A
Daily Rainfall - Water Year Products
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Formatted Daily Report:
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For Daily Rainfall Plot:

Monthly Rainfall - Multiple Water Year Products
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Formatted Monthly Report:
Data Download: Select Format:

Rainfall: Hourly Totals

Publish TypeStart DateEnd Date
Published Data: 08/28/2008 10:00- 09/30/2023 08:00
Preliminary Data: 09/30/2023 08:00- 06/17/2024 12:00
Unverifed Telemetry Data:09/24/2024 14:00
Monthly Products
Select Month / Year:
Formatted Hourly Report:
Data Download: Select Format:

Entire Water Year Products
Select Water Year:
Data Download: Select Format:

Obsolete Reports and Data Files

Warning: These files are obsolete and should be used only if the data are not available from above choises.

Select a compiled dataset or summary from the list and click Download:

Data marked with 'P' are preliminary and subject to change until checked and evaluated. Data marked with 'U' are unverified and are subject to changed and evaluated. Unverified data may contain errors that have not been checked by Hydrology staff. Ventura County does not guarantee the accuracy of these data; please note that river flows may vary considerably during each day and from day to day.Oficial published data are marked with 'A '.