We are sending this data with the express understanding that there
is no guarantee that the data does not contain errors or omissions
and that there is no guarantee that any updates will be supplied
as errors or omissions become apparent or if updates are
available. You do not have permission to freely distribute this
data without written permission from the Ventura County Watershed
Protection District-- however, you may use it for your
organization's contracted projects and analyses. We ask, also,
that you cite
Ventura County Watershed Protection District 2005 LiDAR(NAD 83 -
NAVD 88) as the source of the LiDAR on derivative products such as
reports, maps, elevation models, etc. where these points have been
used and cite Ventura County Watershed Protection District” for
other materials downloaded.
By continued use of this mapping portal you ackknowledge that you
have read and understand the Disclaimer and limitations.