This map provides the current weather obervations incuding wind speed, direction, temperatue and relative humidity. A display such as 6 G 9 means wind at 6 mph gusting to 9 mph. The values are color coded to indicate when a weather station is flirting or reached NWS Red Flag Conditions as defiend by the Oxnard NWS office.
Site Color Codes: Red - Red Flag Criteria reached, Yellow - within 5 mph wind speeds and/or 5% RH of Red Flag Driteria, Blue - Air temperature below 40 degrees F, Black - normal conditions.
The MesoWest layer contains sites and data from the MesoWest website. These data are displayed on this map for operational prposes. These data are not collelcted by or archived by VCPWA - Watershed Protection.
This map was created from provisional data that has not been checked or verified for accuracy. Ventura County Public Works Agency - Watershed Protection has no control over the accuracy and type of data transmitted. This map was created solely for the convenience of the County and related public agencies. The County does not warrant the accuracy of this map, and no decision involving a risk of economic loss or physical injury should be made from the data available on this site.